Business & Tourism Educators Articulation & Conference

Human Resources Session 3

The Power of the Crowd

Session Summary

Attendees will explore the peaks and pitfalls of peer pressure in the workplace.  Group activities will highlight how the power of the crowd can drive positive change and improve team member engagement. [Presentation]

Caroline Bagnall

Caroline Bagnall

Profitable Hospitality Strategist

Connect Hospitality Strategies Inc

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At the helm of Connect Hospitality Strategies Inc. is Caroline Bagnall, a 20 year resident of Whistler, Hospitality & Tourism Professional, Adult Educator, and Whistler Experience Coach.

For every hospitality organization with a desire to be profitable and develop customers for life in a highly competitive marketplace, Connect Hospitality Strategies brings a customized approach to project management and workforce education to the table.

Bagnall offers F&B management expertise in the organisation, planning and execution, and service of client events garnered as Sr. Manager of Whistler’s 65,000 sq foot Conference Centre, Instructor at Capilano University, and as Asst. Director of F&B at Fairmont Hotels & Resorts.

Her widely-applauded communication skills, industry expertise and practical experience are augmented by professional certification in adult and ongoing education and facilitation skills.